Microplastics in Humans

Microplastics in Humans


One's trash is not always another's treasure. Humans create over 380 tons of plastic waste every year [3]. As plastic breaks down, it degrades into microplastics. These plastics can end up in water supplies through our washing machines, landfills, sewage runoff, and so much more.

There are about 24.4 trillion pieces of microplastics in the ocean [4]. They're becoming increasingly present in wildlife and coral. Much like our underwater friends who are eating these microplastics, it turns out that humans are, too.

Your body needs micronutrients, not microplastics

Omit plastic from the menu. Eat nutritious foods that support the body, not microplastics that harm human health. Become aware of plastic in your everyday items to limit your microplastic consumption.

There are thousands of microplastics used to make everyday products. Humans are exposed to microplastics in many ways, including:
  • Breathing in airborne microplastics (caused by sunlight breakdown of plastic)
  • Drinking leached microplastics in tap water and bottled water
  • Heating polyester and other plastic clothes in the dryer
  • Wearing and using electronic devices
  • Swimming in plastic polluted waters
  • Eating foods (such as seafood) contaminated with microplastic
Start making small changes in your daily routine. Purchase organic cotton clothes, filter your water and drink it in glass, and dry your clothes on a clothesline, to name a few.

How does plastic pollution affect humans?

Plastic pollution isn't just a climate crisis. It's a health crisis, too. Make healthier decisions for your body and the planet. Many microplastics are polymers that are made with petroleum-based chemicals, recycled plastics, and heavy metals. Limit your exposure to these common heavy metals and microplastics found in humans [1]:

Made with Aluminum - Aluminum is used as a stabilizer, flame retardant, and pigment in plastic particles. Aluminum can be found in:

Polyethylene (PE) - most common microplastic, comprises 36% of plastic market, used to make medical supplies, plastic bags, toys, and more [6]

Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) - used to make electrical and auto parts

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - used to make clothing fibers and food packaging

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - used to make wiring, footwear, medical devices, flooring, and more

Made with Mercury - Concerns over mercury poisoning have been known for centuries. It can cause various mental health problems, sleep issues, and memory loss, just to name a few [7]. Yet, this heavy metal is still used to make polyurethane (PU). PU is a plastic coating used to create wood finishes and adhesives. However, PU is also used with mercury to make pesticides.

Made with Arsenic - Mercury isn't the only chemical used to make plastics that are then used in pesticides. Arsenic is used as a catalyst for many microplastics. This heavy metal has been linked to various types of cancer [8].

Arsenic can be found in:


Low-density Polyethylene (LDPE) - used to make water bottles and medical tubing

Polyesters - used to make fabric

Made with Lead- Get the lead on your health goals by limiting lead exposure. This heavy metal is a common heat and UV stabilizer and can be used to create pigments. Lead toxicity has been linked to many health concerns, including miscarriages and brain damage [7].

Lead can be found in:


Red plastic

Made with Titanium - Sia is the only person who can make titanium sound good. This heavy metal is used to create pigments and as a UV stabilizer in PVC. It has been shown to be toxic to lung and colon cells [7].

Made with Chromium - This heavy metal isn't a useful browser; it's an environmental toxin used to make various chemicals that add to the harmful effects of microplastics on human health. It's been shown to cause allergies that promote ulcers, digestive problems, and could even damage sperm [7].

Chromium can be found in:



Polypropylene (PP) - used for car batteries, bumpers, and cellophane

There are many more plastic chemicals that are contaminated with heavy metals. Reduce your exposure to environmental toxins and limit microplastic health risks all in one. Start living a more sustainable lifestyle and improve your quality of life!

How to Reduce Microplastic Effects?

The most effective way to limit the impact of plastic on human health is to limit your plastic use. Lower your toxic burden and boost your natural detox system. Try these Peak Detox tips to kickstart your plastic detox.

Strut the runway in slow fashion - Replace your worn plastic-based clothes with clothing made with organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, silk, or other sustainable materials

Eat, keep, and reheat food properly - Store your food in plastic-free containers, and never heat leftovers in plastic

Don't keep up with the Joneses - Stop getting the newest tech to limit demands, buy refurbished devices, limit headphone use, and buy devices made with sustainable materials

Smell fresh, not toxic - Use Peak Detox Approved cleaning products to keep water supplies clean, and dry your clothes on a clothesline

Tour your city - Instead of using your car, walk or ride a bicycle more often. Use public transportation, when possible, to limit carbon emissions

Heavy metals aren't the only cause of concern when it comes to microplastic effects on human health.

Many microplastics are made with recycled plastic that has been made with other toxic chemicals, like Bisphenol-A (BPA), phthalates, parabens, oxybenzone, and more. These chemicals are known endocrine disruptors, which can exacerbate many of the health concerns we've discussed.

Know uour exposure risk

Learn how many of these hormone disruptors are in your body with a discreet At-Home DNA Methylation Test. This test dives deep into your body's methylation processes by examining key genes. This crucial biological process influences gene expression, DNA repair, and detoxification pathways, impacting your reproductive health and wellbeing.

Understanding your methylation status helps us tailor dietary and lifestyle adjustments, potentially revealing hidden health issues or optimizing your fertility wellness strategy to ensure you conceive.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7068600/

[2] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/mar/24/microplastics-found-in-human-blood-for-first-time

[3] https://ourworldindata.org/plastic-pollution#

[4] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211027122120.htm

[5] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16045991/

[6] https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.1700782

[7] https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/64762
How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Microplastics In Water